Privacy Policy


“AWC Communications Inc.”, “we” or “our”:

AWC Communications Inc. Networks Inc., including its respective partners, associates, affiliates, and subsidiaries, as they may exist from time to time.

Business Contact Information:

Means any information that is used for communicating or facilitating communication with an individual in relation to their employment, business, or profession such as the individual’s name, position name or title, work address, work telephone number, work fax number or work electronic address.

“Customer”, “you” or “your”:

Means an individual who: (a) has an account with AWC Communications Inc.; (b) subscribes for, uses, has used, or applies to use AWC Communications Inc.’s products and/or services; (c) corresponds with AWC Communications Inc.; (d) is a Web Site or Applications User; and/or (d) enters a contest sponsored or administered by AWC Communications Inc.


Any individual who works for, or provides labour to AWC Communications Inc. or one of its subsidiary companies in exchange for wages or salary.

Personal Information:

Means information about an identifiable individual.

Web Site or Application User:

Means a user of a website or application owned, controlled or managed by AWC Communications Inc. from which AWC Communications Inc. collects Personal Information.

Frequently Asked Questions

3.1 What type of Personal Information does AWC Communications Inc. collect?

3.1.1 If you wish to obtain any of AWC Communications Inc.’s products and/or services, AWC Communications Inc. will collect information about you when you apply for any of these products and/or services. The type of information we collect varies based on the service you have requested. The Personal Information most often collected and maintained in a Customer file may include (but is not limited to) name, address for service, mailing address, phone number(s), a piece of acceptable identification, alternate contact information, banking information for payment, email address (i.e. if you are an eBill user or if you are an AWC Communications Inc. customer subscribing to one of our newsletters), credit card information for payment, and credit rating/score. To conduct credit checks, we will collect one or more of the following: driver’s license number, Social Insurance Number, credit card number and/or date of birth. If we need to know about your credit history we may also receive information from third parties.

3.1.2 The Personal Information most often collected and maintained in an Employee or applicant for employment file may include, as appropriate, (but is not limited to) Business Contact Information, home address, home phone number(s), emergency contact information, date of birth, Social Insurance Number, banking information, past employment information, resumes, reference letters, earnings information, performance reviews/letters, dependant and beneficiary information.

3.1.3 The Personal Information most often collected in relation with Web Site Users may include (but is not limited to) name, phone number, and email address.

3.2 Why does AWC Communications Inc. collect and use Personal Information?

3.2.1 AWC Communications Inc. collects and uses Customer’s Personal Information for the following purposes, to:3.2.1 AWC Communications Inc. collects and uses Customer’s Personal Information for the following purposes, to:

  1. establish and maintain a responsible commercial relationship with you;
  2. for research and statistical purpose, to understand your needs as a Customer and your eligibility for products and services;
  3. recommend products, services and opportunities to its Customers;
  4. provide information to you about developments and new products;
  5. develop, enhance, and market products and services and/or provide products and services to its Customers;
  6. process billing and collection of the fees for the AWC Communications Inc. products and services you have purchased and/or subscribe to;
  7. perform or order credit checks;
  8. deliver its products and/or services to its Customers, including providing you with the programming content corresponding to your location;
  9. provide customer support; and
  10. meet AWC Communications Inc.’s legal and regulatory requirements.

3.2.2 AWC Communications Inc. collects Web Site User’s Personal Information for purposes generally identified on the AWC Communications Inc. website at the time of collection. These purposes may include to:

  1. send you information, updates you’ve requested, or answer your questions;
  2. register your participation to a contest; and
  3. register you in an encrypted secure zone.

3.2.3 When AWC Communications Inc. chooses to use Personal Information for a purpose not previously identified, AWC Communications Inc. will identify the new use. Unless such new use is required or permitted by law, in accordance with PIPEDA, the consent of the Customer, Employee or Web Site User is required before the Personal Information can be used for that new purpose.

Use of Cookies: During a Web Site User’s interaction with one of AWC Communications Inc.’s websites, AWC Communications Inc. may use a browser feature called a “cookie” to collect information anonymously and track user patterns on AWC Communications Inc.’s websites. A cookie is a small text file containing a unique identification number that identifies a Web Site User’s browser – but not the Web Site User personally – to AWC Communications Inc.’s computers, each time a Web Site User visits one of the AWC Communications Inc. websites using cookies. Cookies tell AWC Communications Inc. which pages of its websites are visited and how many people visited each web page. This helps AWC Communications Inc. to enhance the on-line experience of visitors to the AWC Communications Inc. websites. Cookies also serve to identify your computer so that your preferences can be saved for future visits, and AWC Communications Inc. works with third parties that use these cookies to help us with such traffic management, research, and analytics.

The use of cookies is an industry standard and many major browsers are initially set up to accept them. You can reset your browser to either refuse to accept all cookies or to notify you when you have received a cookie. However, if you refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to use some of the features available on AWC Communications Inc.’s websites.

3.3 How does AWC Communications Inc. obtain your consent?

Consent is generally required for the collection of Personal Information and the subsequent use or disclosure of the Personal Information. Consent can be either express or implied. The form of consent sought by AWC Communications Inc. may vary, depending upon the circumstances and the type of Personal Information. In determining the form of consent to use, AWC Communications Inc. considers the sensitivity of the information and your reasonable expectation, so that you understand the nature, purpose, and consequences of the collection, use and/or disclosure of Personal Information. AWC Communications Inc. generally seeks express consent when the Personal Information is likely to be considered sensitive. Implied consent is typically appropriate when the Personal Information is less sensitive.

Business Contact Information can be used by AWC Communications Inc. without consent solely for facilitating communication between AWC Communications Inc. and an employee, in relation to his/her employment, business, or profession.

In addition, in exceptional circumstances, as permitted by law, AWC Communications Inc. may collect, use, and/or disclose Personal Information without a Customer’s, Employee’s or Web Site User’s knowledge or consent.

Consent may be obtained in any one of the following ways:

  • an application form may be used to seek consent, collect Personal Information, and inform the Customer of the use that will be made of the Personal Information. By completing and signing the form, the Customer is giving consent to the collection and the specified uses;
  • a check-off box may be used to allow the Customer to request that their names and addresses are not given to other organizations. Customers who do not check the box are assumed to consent to the transfer of their information to third parties;
  • orally when information is collected over the telephone; or
  • at the time, a Customer uses a product or service.

In general, the use of products and services by a Customer, or a Web Site User’s use of AWC Communications Inc. websites, or the acceptance of employment or benefits by an Employee, will constitute implied consent required by AWC Communications Inc. to collect, use and/or disclose Personal Information for the purposes identified in this Privacy Policy.

Consent may be withdrawn by Customers, Employees and Web Site Users at any time, subject to legal or contractual restrictions and upon providing AWC Communications Inc. reasonable notice. If you wish to withdraw your consent to certain collection, retention, use or disclosure of Personal Information, please contact AWC Communications Inc. at Please note that if you refuse or withdraw your consent, we may not be able to provide you with a product or service. We will explain the impact on you at the time, to help you with your decision.

3.4 When and how does AWC Communications Inc. disclose Personal Information?

Internally, only AWC Communications Inc. Employees with a business need to know, or whose duties reasonably so require, are granted access to Personal Information of AWC Communications Inc.’s Customers, Web Site Users, and Employees.

3.4.1 AWC Communications Inc. may disclose Customer’s Personal Information to:

  1. third parties who are acting on AWC Communications Inc.’s behalf as our agents, suppliers, or service providers who are subject to confidentiality requirements;
  2. a company who will be involved in supplying the Customer with communications or communications directory-related products and/or services;
  3. a company or individual who is acting on AWC Communications Inc.’s behalf for the development, enhancement, promotion, marketing, sale, or provision of any of AWC Communications Inc.’s current products and/or services or for any new products and/or services of AWC Communications Inc., including authorized resellers and sales agents, etc. subject to confidentiality requirements;
  4. in conjunction with special offers or programs to program partners, or third-party agents responsible for administering such offers or programs. Any such disclosure is made on a confidential basis;
  5. an agent used by AWC Communications Inc. to evaluate the Customer’s credit worthiness or to collect the Customer’s account;
  6. a credit reporting agency; and
  7. a third party, where the Customer has given AWC Communications Inc. consent to such disclosure or if disclosure is permitted or required by law, in accordance with PIPEDA.

3.4.2 AWC Communications Inc. may disclose Employees’ Personal Information to:

Disclosure of Personal Information to government organizations, including law enforcement agencies:

AWC Communications Inc. may receive requests from government organizations, including law enforcement agencies. A team of experts individually and carefully vets these requests. AWC Communications Inc. will only disclose Personal Information in response to these requests when permitted by law, in accordance with PIPEDA.

3.5 Who does AWC Communications Inc. share Personal information with?

AWC Communications Inc. does not sell Personal Information about its Customers, Employees and/or Web Site Users. AWC Communications Inc. may share Customers’ Personal Information with its partners, associates and third-party service providers as provided in Subsection 3.4, to fulfill the purposes identified in Subsection 3.2. In such cases, the relationship with the partner, associate or third party is governed by strict confidentiality standards and policies to ensure the Customer’s Personal Information is secure and treated in accordance with PIPEDA and with the utmost care and respect.

Except as required or permitted by law, when disclosure is made to a third-party other than an AWC Communications Inc. associate or affiliate, or a third-party service provider, the consent of the individual shall be obtained and reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure that any such third party has Personal Information privacy procedures and policies in place that are comparable to those implemented by AWC Communications Inc.. Such third parties are provided only with such information as is necessary for the circumstances. Personal Information provided to third parties may be used only for the purpose stipulated and is subject to strict terms of confidentiality.

If a third-party service provider is in a foreign country, Customer and Employee Personal Information may be processed and stored in such other foreign country. In such circumstances, the governments, courts or law enforcement or regulatory agencies of that country may be able to obtain access to your Personal Information through the laws of the foreign country. Whenever AWC Communications Inc. engages a third-party service provider, we require that its privacy and security standards adhere to this Privacy Policy and applicable Canadian privacy legislation.

3.6 How does AWC Communications Inc. safeguard your Personal Information?

The nature of the safeguards varies depending on the sensitivity of the Personal Information, the scope of the Personal Information, and the method of storage of that information. More sensitive types of Personal Information will be safeguarded by a higher level of protection.

3.7 How do I access AWC Communications Inc.’s policies and procedures?

AWC Communications Inc. makes available to Customers, Employees and Web Site Users specific information about its policies and procedures relating to the management of Personal Information, on our corporate and community websites.

AWC Communications Inc. is open about its policies and procedures with respect to the management of Personal Information. Customers, Employees, and Web Site Users can inquire about AWC Communications Inc.’s privacy policies and procedures at a minimal or at no cost and without unreasonable efforts on their part. This information is available to Customers and Web Site users by writing to AWC Communications Inc., to the attention of the Privacy Officer at 1850 Mission Flats Road, Kamloops, BC, V2C 1A9, and to Employees by writing to the attention of the HR Department at 1850 Mission Flats Road, Kamloops, BC, V2C 1A9.

3.8 How do I access my Personal Information?

You may access and verify your Personal Information held by AWC Communications Inc. by submitting a request in writing to AWC Communications Inc.’s Privacy Officer at 3621 9 Ave N, Lethbridge AB T1H6G8. A response will be mailed to the address on your account or file.

AWC Communications Inc. will respond to a Customer’s, Employee’s, or Web Site User’s request within a reasonable period of time and at minimal or at no cost.

In certain circumstances, AWC Communications Inc. may not be able to provide access to all the Personal Information it holds, for example, when the disclosure would reveal confidential business information; if solicitor-client privilege protects the Personal Information, or if the Personal Information was collected during an inquiry into a breach of contract or violation of a federal or provincial law.

3.9 How can I challenge compliance and offer suggestions?

A Customer, Employee, or Web Site User of AWC Communications Inc. may direct any questions or inquiries with respect to the privacy principles outlined above or about AWC Communications Inc.’s privacy practices described in its Privacy Policy to privacy@AWC Communications or to AWC Communications Inc.’s Privacy Officer at 3621 9 Ave N, Lethbridge AB T1H6G8.

AWC Communications Inc. will investigate all complaints and respond to all questions asked by its Customers, its Employees and/or Web Site Users. If a complaint is found to be justified, AWC Communications Inc. will respond appropriately to resolve the complaint, which may include amending its policies and procedures.

If Customers, Employees, or Web Site Users are not satisfied with AWC Communications Inc.’s response, they may contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, at:

Toll-free: 1-800-282-1376
Phone: (613) 995-8210
Fax: (613) 947-6850

Mailing Address:
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
30 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 1H3

4.0 Your Role in Protecting Your Personal Information:

Please remember that AWC Communications Inc.’s Privacy Policy and our use of your Personal Information only applies to the information you provide. We caution that if you disclose Personal Information or personally sensitive data through use of the Internet such as through chat rooms, communities, bulletin boards or other public online forums, this information is not collected by or for AWC Communications Inc. but may be collected and used by other persons or companies over which AWC Communications Inc. has no control. It is your responsibility to review the privacy statements of any person or company to whom you choose to link, from or using any AWC Communications Inc. Internet services. AWC Communications Inc. is not responsible for privacy statements, privacy compliance or other content of any website not owned or managed by AWC Communications Inc. or AWC Communications Inc.’s group of companies.

AWC Communications Inc. does its best to protect and safeguard Personal Information and we believe there are safeguards you should take as well. Do not share your Personal Information such as bank card numbers, credit card numbers, associated pin numbers or Social Insurance numbers unless you clearly understand the purpose of the request and you know with whom you are dealing. Do not keep sensitive Personal Information in your email inbox or on Webmail.

Provide AWC Communications Inc. with one acceptable piece of identification, pin number or passphrase, that will be kept in your Customer account, so we can identify you when you call AWC Communications Inc.. If you are asked to assign passwords to connect you to your Personal Information, you should use a combination of letters (upper and lowercases), numbers and symbols and do not use words that can be easily associated with you (example: do not use the name of a family member or pet). We also suggest you change your password regularly. If you are suspicious of any telephone, mail or email promotional campaigns or you suspect fraudulent activity, please contact us at to verify that the campaign is a legitimate AWC Communications Inc. activity.

5.0 Updating this Privacy Policy

Any changes to AWC Communications Inc.’s Privacy Policy shall be acknowledged in this Privacy Policy in a timely manner. AWC Communications Inc. may modify or remove portions of this Privacy Policy when it feels it is necessary and appropriate.


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3621 9 Ave N
Lethbridge, AB T1H6G8



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